Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Steroids in my eyes

"I have never knowingly taken steriods."

Sounds like something a pro baseball player would say. But I could honestly say that, until today. I know you must be thinking to yourself, "how can you have a body like that without steriods?" The answer is just lots and lots of hard work.

I've had this issue with my eye for the past five weeks or so. It's called a chalazion and is similar to a sty. It's kept me out of my contacts for the most part. I am not really able to do Insanity workouts or play basketball with my glasses on so I put my contacts in for my workouts and then take them out right away. Other than when I am working out I have had to wear my glasses. I really don't like wearing glasses, but I can't read anything more than a foot away without them. I've had contact lenses since 9th grade and they have never really been all that effective.

When talking to my eye doctor about my contact lens issues and wondering if I should switch to a different brand again, he suggested that I get a Lasik evaluation. Working at a healthcare institution I can get a discount on certain procedures and Lasik is one of them. All I needed to do was get my evaluation in before November 30th to see if I am elegible so I can submit some flexible spending account money for next year and I'll save a lot of money and be out of my contacts and glasses for good.

Unfortunately, they need to take very precise measurements of the eyes and any obstruction can throw off their numbers. They even need me to be out of contacts for at least three days before the evaluation because that can affect their measurements. They will not do the evaluation with the chalazion so I have already rescheduled three times. Next week is my last chance before needing to submit my flex spending elections.

So today I got steriod injections in my eyelids. It's not as fun as it sounds. The doctor thought he may have hit a blood vessel in one eye because blood was running down into my ear after the shot.

It's all good now. My chalazion seems to be going away and I have the added bonus of my eyelids feeling stronger than ever.

So I can no longer say that I have not knowingly taken steriods, but I can say that I have built my body naturally over the years and will continue to do that.

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