Monday, October 10, 2011

We've Got a Situation

Since I'm not really following a specific program and I'll be heading to Disney World for a week I decided to try something a little different for my workout tonight. I played basketball yesterday and jammed my big toe so I didn't want to do much that would involve jumping around.

So I thought, what better night to try The Situation Workout with Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino.

Now keep in mind that if I had to pay for this I would not have done it. I already think this guy gets way to much attention and I don't need to put any money into supporting him. There are actually a whole bunch of workouts on Netflix instant streaming and this is one of them. I thought it would be just an ab routine, but I found that it is a series of 15 minute workouts for different body parts. I watched a little bit of the other routines and then skipped to the ab portion. There are actually two ab workouts. I'm not sure if they are meant to be done back-to-back, but that's how I did them. After doing Ab Ripper X these are pretty easy to get through.

I don't have a lot to say about the program. There are some good exercises and they seem to be done in a good order. It's not anything really new and you could probably just put together a bunch of ab exercises from a Men's Health type of magazine and get an equally good ab workout. But the thing you would miss out on is hearing the word "Situation" more times than you have ever heard in your life. It's pretty obvious that Sorrentino is not a fitness instructor. He stumbles through his introductions and explanations of the exercises and then hits on the girls in the video while they are trying to demonstrate the moves.

If you have Netflix instant streaming, feel free to check it out. But remember that you will not get any of the time that you spend watching this video back. I did get a small ab workout in, but I could have easily done half of the P90X Ab Ripper X for a better one.

Here's a little quote to leave you with for today from The Situation Workout:

"From my situation to your situation. Hope you have a great situation." - Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino

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