Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Make Time

One of the biggest reasons most people give for not working out is that they don't have time. Between work, family, and keeping up with friends, there are so many things pulling at us that our days are already full.

The key is to prioritize.

I remember someone putting up a post on Facebook about not having time to work out that day. I looked back and noticed that this person had posted five status updates and numerous comments over the past hour. Obviously connecting to others on social media was more of a priority than working out. If it's important enough, you'll find a way to fit it in.

You wouldn't say, "I don't have time to pay my bills." If you do, you will likely have your electricity, phone, and internet turned off. You make paying the bills a priority or you deal with the consequences. I used to play about 4-5 hours of video games each week. That's not as much of a priority as working out so that;s one of the first things to go. Not to say that I don't miss it. I would much rather sit and play video games or watch television than go through a Shaun T workout, but setting a priority for working out is more in line with my desire to be fit.

If improving your health or bringing down your time in an upcoming race is important, you will make the time.

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