The USATFMNC threw a bit of a wrench into my normal training schedule. Since this was the first year with a big track meet in the winter, this is the first year that I have had my 90-day workout schedule interrupted. Even last year when I hurt my back I was still able to continue on with P90X with just a bit of modification to the schedule. My real problem with not being on a program where I know what I will do each day is that I am more likely to skip a workout. It's too easy when I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do for a workout to just pick the thing that is short or easy.
I also remember someone posting a comment on a blog at where he said that if he is not following a program where he knows exactly what he's supposed to do, then a bowl of ice cream goes into his belly while he watches TV instead. That's kind of how I feel too. It's easy to think that you're either on a program or off a program. When you're off you can sit around and eat anything you want because you're going to get back on in a week or two. Or three. Or four.
So what have I been doing these past couple of weeks? I've been continuing on with P90X2 for the most part. We decided to switch things up a bit for or Friday morning workout group. We did an Insanity Plyo workout last week. Insanity takes it's toll on my calves. With my compartment syndrome I am not able to do things like jogging for more than a few minutes without pain. For some reason the newer Insanity: The Asylum does not bother my calves. I actually find it better than trying to run on the track.
With my calves already sore from Insanity, I wanted to play basketball on Sunday since it was the last opportunity until next September. Between Insanity and basketball my left calf was not happy with me. So I had to take it easy for a few days. I've taken this opportunity to play with the kids every night this week. It's still active and I think it sets a good example that you can still play when you get older.
We did another Insanity workout this morning and I don't think I will have any calf issues this weekend. My plan is to do two more P90X2 P.A.P. workouts and then start back up on Insanity: The Asylum. That's a 30-day program so I will either go back to P90X or P90X2 after that along with starting one or two track workouts each week. I've just got to get back on to something.