Monday, December 12, 2011

How to lose 5 lbs in two days

It's been a different couple of weeks. I've really been focusing on getting ready for our church Christmas program. I had the only adult role in the play with quite a few lines. I haven't acted in much more than a few small video parts since high school. It is a challenge memorizing lines and there were quite a significant amount of lines to remember. I also had a solo to sing, which I also haven't done for a long time. I am the kind of person who, if I say I'm going to do something, I really try to put my all into it. So I really put a lot of time into working on my part and now that it's over it almost feels like a weight has been lifted and I have regained some of that time.

My old shop teacher used to say, "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing well." That's why I like to put myself on a workout program where I know what I am supposed to do each day. If I say I'm going to do it, I know I will do it.

I've had a few days off from working out due to an unexpected sickness. It started with this feeling of being really full. I just didn't feel like eating anything for a couple of days. Seems like a sickness people would pay a lot of money to have. I haven't weighed in since last week, but I would just about guarantee that I lost at least 5 lbs over the weekend. Although I hate missing workouts, the stress of being ready for the play and needing to make sure I got better was my main priority. Now that the play is over I feel like my next priority is getting ready for some indoor track meets. I've got the first meet coming up this Sunday and I'm focusing on keeping my weight down and getting my legs recovered and ready for the stress of sprinting on an indoor track. I don't do any indoor training on a track so I depend on my home workouts to get me ready.

My P90X2 program came in last week as well and it was difficult to not just scrap everything else and start it right away. But I started Insanity and I am going to finish it. I may try out a couple of workouts and do some double-workout days with Insanity and P90X2, but I will finish Insanity by the end of the year. I'll need to adjust my workouts a bit this week and may even do a Yoga workout, since that's what I usually do on a meet week.

Maybe I'll have some X2 Yoga to talk about later in the week.

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