Friday, March 15, 2013

USATF Minnesota Indoor Championships

The Minnesota Indoor Championships were last weekend at the University of Minnesota. After my little bout with illness over the past couple of weeks it was up in the air if I was going to run or not. I really didn't make the decision until that morning, but I decided it was best if I didn't run. It was tough to be there watching the Masters races. Actually, it was much tougher than I thought it would be. I put so much into getting ready for this meet that it was disappointing to not be able to see what I could do.

It was good to see some familiar faces at the meet. This meet was better attended than many of the Charities Challenge meets so it was fun to catch up with some folks that I haven't seen in a while.

The afternoon was the youth meet and we had a pretty good showing from the La Crosse area. Many youth from the La Crosse Track Club were there and put on a good showing of the track athletes from our area. My son and his friend competed in the 60, 200, and 400 meter races. Even though I was disappointed to not run myself, I have found that I almost get more happiness from watching my son compete and have fun.

Here is his 400 meter race. He is starting in lane five and his friend is in lane six.

There was a post that Shaun T made on his Facebook page today that I really liked and thought I would share with you today.

Not everyone is good at math but its time for you (and me) to create and solve our daily equations.

I want you to come up with three equations. 3 equations that you create. And by solving these equations you are producing answers that you will LIVE by for today.

My three equations are:
... 1. Workout + eating well= a healthier day.

2. Speaking my mind + keeping others feelings and interpretation in mind= positive results

3. Doing one thing that makes me happy + doing one thing that makes someone else happy= a better relationship.

Write these equations on a post-it note and look at them once an hour. Hopefully this will help you have a more productive day! A day that is filled with goodness that YOU created.

- Shaun T.

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